June 7th, 2017


June 7th, 2017



A1. FR BB Stepup 4 x 8 per side
A2. Death March (DB’s only) 4 x 8 per side
B1. DB BP 4 x 10 @ 31×1 (last rep on each set hold for 30-45 sec)
B2. Pendlay or BB Row 4 x 10 (Control tempo)
4 sets
Pushup AMRAP (go to failure)


Active recovery
HR should stay between 140-160
400m run
30 sec rest
500m row
30 sec rest
.5 miles AB
30 sec rest
x 4-5 sets
Movemment work
HS Practice
Horse Walk
Spiderman Crawl
Rev Bear Crawl
Ostritch Walk
x 2-3 sets
**Move through these and just play have fun!!!