November 9th, 2016


November 9th, 2016



2016 USA presidential election poster. EPS 10

So sad I didn’t get the chance to see you all this afternoon, however, I know you all did really well in the workout! Fitness, we will have some fun EMOMs tomorrow! Competition, please see the note Eric added regarding the Death March.



EMOM for 8 min
Even-8/7 Cals AB
Odd-8 Burpee
rest 3 min
EMOM for 8 min
Even-4-5 S. PU
Odd-10 Push up @ 3010 (you may add weight)
rest 3 min
EMOM for 8 min
Even- 16 Jumping Lunges (8 per side)
Odd- 18 russian KBS
Mobility work


deload (last day)
4 sets
Shuttle run (parking lot)
Row 10 cals
Sled push (Heavy and Fast)
Row 10 cals
rest 60-120 sec
4 sets
trunk work
12 Back Ext with rotation
12 BW Back Ext
10 Death March
**for the death march the weight does not necessarily have to touch the ground. kb’s
may touch just because its a longer implement….Get a good stretch on every rep. Please
do not let the the upper back and the lumbar curve round. Please remember we are always
striving to create better movement patterns. The reason is two fold. #1 To keep you injury free.
#2 Creating better movement patterns facilitates the nervous system adaptation that we need to make our lifts easier. If it is easier for us to get into positions we reduce the risk of injury and put our bodies in a state that will be able to continue to adapt to our training over a longer period of time.
Mobility work 10-20 mins