January 3 2017


January 3 2017


Our awesome leader, Eric, has put some words together for guys guys. ENJOY!

How exciting it is to start a new year!!! New goals, new faces, new facilities, and a new standard to hold ourselves too. There is so much new it is going to be hard for some of us to focus on the little details. Like coming 3-4 days per week, at least 8 hrs of sleep every night, surrounding yourself with people who support your highest values (and at least 1 person who will challenge your perspective or values), and consuming whole foods and half of your bodyweight in ounces of water every day. It is so easy to get the “shiny ball syndrome”. This is where we start off real fast guns blazing and super excited….but then we get a cold or work gets to be to demanding or our kids schedule gets in the way, etc…we then derail and completely give up.

How to fix this you ask? Easy….not really but here are some tips that might work

  • Plan out your week and plan out your workouts during the weekend prior. Creating a schedule will create more compliance over time
  • Have an accountability partner but someone who has a track record of success. Don’t just pick your friend….
  • Appreciate more and expect less. Far too often our appreciations become expectations. Then,someone/something lets us down by not meeting our expectations and sends us through a whirl wind of meaningless/productive-less time that we will never get back.
  • This is the most important….YOU are the most important person in your life….YOU cannot take care of others unless you are taking care of yourself.

**Important note**

We will be having a live town hall meeting very soon to discuss some important details regarding the gym. Please be on the lookout for the time so that you can attend and participate.



A1. Shoulder Press “Strict” 4 x 8 @ 31×1 rest 1 min
A2. Strict Pullup 4 sets x 5-7 reps or 3 position hold 10-12 sec at each position rest as needed x 4-5 reps
150m row
12 American KBS
7 Burpee
rest 1:30 x 5


A. BS 4 x 7 “no tempo” rest 2-3 min
B1. Thruster 4 x 10 no rest build (tough weight)
B2. C2b PU (AMRAP -4) rest 2 min
4 sets
20 Cal Row (AFAP)
10 T2b
**@Open Pace- rest 2 min b/n sets