February 14th, 2017


February 14th, 2017


Happy Valentine’s Day, DGA Fam!

Competition, you guys did awesome with that 16 minute AMRAP! I know it was a tough one, but these are important to see what kind of engine you have. Knowing this will help you understand how you should pace yourself through a workout.

We are posting a lot of information regarding The Open on our Facebook page. If you have questions or need help with anything, please see the posts there!



A1. CG DL (may use hook grip) 5 x 5 no rest “HWLW”
A2. 15/12 Cal Row (AFAP) no rest
A3. BF Burpee 10-13 reps (keep the work under 60 sec) rest 3 min (+2 reps to last weeks numbers)
3 sets
150′ Reverse Bear Crawl
10 Yoga Pushups (you may elevate your hands)
10 BB OH Shrugs (snatch grip this week)
Cool Down and stretch -10 mins


A. 3 FS EMOM for 9 min @ tough weight with no misses
4 sets
10 PC and Power Jerk 135/95
10 T2b
rest 60 sec
4-5 sets
400m run
rest 90-120 sec
Shoulder Pails and Rails x 2-3 sets per side
During Pails keep core tight and brace
During Rails you can relax the core but focus on breathing @ 4181
4 inhale through nose
1 hold
8 exhale
1 hold