April 18th, 2017


April 18th, 2017


Awesome job tonight everyone! Great way to start the week off.

Tomorrow is going to be another good one! Be sure to check back on previous weeks to make sure your going heavier when need be!


A1. Parallel Pullups 4 x 5-7 @ 31×3 no rest
A2. BB Hip Thrust 4 x 8 @ 31×3 rest 60-90 sec (HWFLW)
4 sets
10 DB Hang Squat Cleans (HTLW)
4 Wall Walks (sub reverse 75′ bear crawl + 75′ Farmer Walk w/ KB per hand)
14 Cal Row
rest 60-90 sec
**you may move rowers to optimize efficiency
Cool Down
3 sets
Powell Raises 8-10 reps @ 3010 from the side plank position
Reverse Bear Crawl 75′ “slow” like a “Bear”


A. Clean Technique 15-20 mins (work up to 80% of 1RM)
B1. Hollow Rock 4 x 20 no rest
B2. Arch Rock 4 x 20 no rest
6 sets
Sprint 100m
rest 2 min
**The rest can be your walk back from the 100m mark