Let us know how we are doing….


Let us know how we are doing….

How does Crossift DGA know how we are doing? Are we bringing value to people in our community? Are our clients satisfied, and are they getting their full value out of their memberships? In general, are there things we could do better? Or are there things we should stop doing?

A survey is a way to collect information from our clients. It’s a way YOU as a client can voice your opinion. Tell us what we are doing well, or tell us what we are not. Below you will find a link to a survey just for Crossfit DGA Members. This survey is 100% anonymous, and it is short and sweet so it won’t take much of your time. Please take the time to at least answer the multiple choice questions. If you have the time and/or want to express your opinion in more detail, please feel free to do so.

With the information provided, we hope to be able to provide a better service to our clients. As well, provide more meaningful relationships and value with our clients. Thanks in advance for taking the time to fill out the survey.

Survey Link:
