October 6 2015


October 6 2015


A1. DB Arnold Press (SA) 10-12 x 4 @ 3010 no rest
A2. Barbell Row 12-15 x 4 @ 31×3 no rest
B. TGU 3 per side x 3 rest as needed

Some Old School Chipper work for all of you CF Lovers;)

1000m row
50 wallballs
40 KBS
30 Goblet Squats
20 Hand Release pushups @ 3010(guys add weight)



A. Deadlift Paused at Knee 1 sec 3RM
B. -10% of A for 3 with 1 sec pause
C. BB Front Rack Lunges 12 each leg x 3
3 sets
10 T2b
8 Burpee Box Jump 24/30
Ladies-If you need to sweat more
4 sets
1 sled push 15-18 sec
10 russian KBS