October 30th, 2017


October 30th, 2017


*Heads Up! Thanksgiving day we will be open! We will have ONE class at 830a for those who’d like to attend! Also, the Friday following thanksgiving, we will be back to a normal schedule! Hope this helps with planning!


Back Squat 4 x 8 rest 2-3 min
**The goal is to try and finish heavier than you did last week
**If you can take the heaviest weight from last week and use for all sets that would be fantastic
For 15 min
1 min- 10-12 DB Thruster
2 min- 4-5 Strict Pullup or 8 Ring Row
3 min- 10/8 Cal Row
3 sets
Sled push
5 burpee broad jumps
Mobility/Cool down/ Stretch
2 sets
30 sec Half Kneeling Pails and Rails
30 sec Arms OH on bench stretch (get deeper every 10 sec)


A. Snatch 60% 3 x 1, 75% 3 x 1, 80% 2×1, 85%x1, 88% x 1 rest as needed
B1. Deadlift 5 x 8 UB 225/155- no rest
B2. Box Jump (these need to be bounding) 5 x 8 rest as needed to complete B1 UB
**The goal here is to (help those who are unbale to bound) develop the muscles necessary to allow bounding
with as little effort as possible. **Explain on the video for coaches**
400m run
rest 1:30 x 4
Mobility/Cool down/ Stretch
2 sets
30 sec Half Kneeling Pails and Rails
30 sec Arms OH on bench stretch (get deeper every 10 sec)