October 22 2015


October 22 2015


A1. Supine Ring Row or Supinated Pullups 10-12; 4-6 x 4 @ 41×2 no rest
A2. DB Reverse Lunge 7 per leg w/ 2 sec pause with knee on the floor no rest (HTLW)
B1. Face Pulls 12 reps x 4 sets
B2. SA Push Press with DB 12 reps per side x 4 sets
B3. Ankle or Thoraic mobility 60-90 sec
**If you have trouble with OH movements please do Thoracic mobility, if
you have trouble keeping heels down while squatting please spend some time on the ankles



A. Clean & Jerks 40% x 3,50% x 3, 60% x 3, 75% x 3 reps ×2 sets,80% x 2, 85% x 1 rep x 2 sets
B. Front Squat 3RM paused 3 sec
C. -15% of B for AMRAP
D. RDL 8 reps x 4 sets rest as needed
4 sets
2-3 RC
15 Tricep Extension (slow and contolled)
Masters Males
OH Squat Mobility.Start with hamstrings
A1. Hamstring stretch with band 30 sec per side x 5
A2. Thoracic mobility 30-45 sec x 5
4 sets
5-7 Ring Dips @ 31×1
5-7 Strict Pullup @ 31×2