November 1st, 2016


November 1st, 2016

Happy First day of November!

Great job today everyone! Fitness, you all did a really good job with some of the new movements that we introduced today. Competition, notice that we will be reloading next week, so keep up the awesome work on these tough workouts!



A1. Walkout to Pushup @ 3010 4 x 7 (walkout every rep) (you may elevate your hands)
A2. Cossack Squat 4×12 total reps slow and controlled (get as deep as possible w/o losing balance
A3. SA FW 1 min per side x 4 sets
4 sets
8 Good mornings (BB only)
8 OHS (BB only)
20 cal row


This is dense but I am deloading comp next week
For time
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
rest 10 min
with the same weight
For time
30 OHS 135/95
3 sets (trunk work)
12 Back Ext w/ Twist (6 per side)
12 Back Ext
12 Death March (6 per)
** for the death march, just make sure that there is a good stretch, the weight do not HAVE to touch the floor