November 16 2015


November 16 2015


A. Back Squat 8 reps x 5 sets @ 31×1 rest as needed no more than 3 min
5 sets
10 Wallball Shots Ladies 10′ and Guys 12′
30 sec DU practice or 150m row
4 sets
Shuttle run (Outside Only)
14 Russian KBS
rest 30 sec
400m row cool down(approx 18-20 strokes per min)

**All Wallballs will be done on the wall. Ladies target is just over the first l red line. Guys must hit above the top red line



A. Snatch 40%x3,50%x3,60%x3, 75% 3 reps x 2 sets, 80%x2, 85%x 1, 88% x 1 rep x 2 sets
B. Back Squat 3RM
C. -10% of B for 3
D. -25% of B AMRAP
4 sets
8 Bounding Box Jumps
10 UB Strict Pullups (yes, may use a band)
4 sets
300m row (same times all 4 sets)
9 T2b
25 UB DU
rest 1 min