November 13th, 2017


November 13th, 2017


Ever curious why we have Deload weeks? Check THIS article out! 🙂


A1. Double KB FS 4 x 5 @ 5551 35/20-18 rest as needed
A2. Bird Dog 4 x 5 per side w/ 2 sec pause at the top position
A3. SL Glute Bridge 4 x 5 per side w/ 2 sec pause w/ hip open
4 sets
2 TGU per side
10 Cossack Squats ( 5 per side)
60-120 sec FLR
3 sets
Land mine Half Kneeling Rotations 8 per side
Double KB Sit up w/ KB’s (arms straight) 10
Strict T2b 4-5”


A. Snatch work up to 80%- rest as needed
4 sets
Ring Support hold w/ elbows locked out 10-30 sec (w/ ring turnout)(straight arm strength)
1 Z Press + 30 sec Hold @ top (use Kb’s) (straight arm strength)
1 Double KB FS + 60 sec Hold @ bottom
Mobility/Cool down/ Stretch
2 sets
30 sec Half Kneeling Pails and Rails
30 sec Arms OH on bench stretch (get deeper every 10 sec)”