Nov 26th 2018


Nov 26th 2018

A1. FS 4 x 10 (Build) 3 sec pause in bottom of squat
A2. Half Kneeling KB Press 4 x 8 @ 3010
rest as needed
4 sets
10 DB Thruster
8 Burpee over DB’s
10 Cal Row
rest as needed b/n sets
2-3 sets
“Shoulder Health”
Wtd Arm Circles 12 sec @ 4 positions
10 External Rotation w/ plate
10 Band Pull Aparts

Gymnastics Support
A1. Bar MU AMRAP -3 x 3 sets rest as needed
A2. L-sit 10-30 sec “heels as high as possible”
B1. Peg Board Pullup x 3-5 + 3-5 sec hold each rep
B2. WTD Strict HSPU (Vest) 5 x 2-5 slow and controlled
4 sets
10 Strict Shoulder Press
8 Strict Pullups (c2b)
10 Wtd Pistols (5 per)
2-3 sets
“Shoulder Health”
Wtd Arm Circles 12 sec @ 4 positions
10 External Rotation w/ plate
10 Band Pull Aparts