Nov 15th 2018


Nov 15th 2018

A1. PC 4 x 3
A2. SA Arnold Press 4 x 7 per side (seated)
rest as needed
4 sets
2 Wall Walks + 30 sec hold on last rep
5-7 Strict T2b
3 cone malcolm
4 sets
8 BB Row
8 Zottman Curl (seated)
8 Banded Tricep Ext (standing)
1 set on your own (but at the gym)
10 Pushups @ 5010
Bear Crawl (50′ FWD + 50 REV)

Partner Up/Have Fun/Strength Work
4 rounds NOT for time
10 BB BP
10 Cal AB
10 Strict Pullups
rest as needed
5 sets
Sled Push
5-7 D Ball Ground to Shoulder
5 L Sit lift overs
2-3 sets
Work on 2 weaknesses for 10-12 min