May 26 2016


May 26 2016

In prep for Mondays Memorial Day session here is some extra work for Thursday


EMOM for 10 min

1min -15 AirSquats

2min- 10/7 HR Pushups



A1. Strict Supinated PU 5 x 4-5 @ 21×2 no rest
A2. Dynamic Pushup 5 x (ladies 4-5) (gents 8-10) rest 60-90 sec
12 min AMRAP
20 WB
30 DU

**You may sub sled push,AB (5-7 cals), or 15-20 Russian KBS for the DU’s. All of these movements will give you an aerobic response and take about the same amount of time.



A. Clean 50%x3,60%x3, 75% x 3 sets of 2 ,80%x2, 85%x1, 88%x 2 sets of 1
14 min AMRAP
10 Thruster 115/75
10 BF Burpee
10 T2b