March 15th, 2017


March 15th, 2017


Happy hump day, DGA! We’ve made it to the middle of the week! Fitness & Comp, tomorrow you guys have a good bit of work to do, so please come in focused and ready to work, so you may leave in a timely manner. If there is not rest time programmed for you, try to manage this time wisely. Remember, you want to keep your heart rate up to feel like you got a good workout!



4 sets
5 Burpee over rower
10 DB Thruster
20 cal row
rest as needed
4 sets
200m run
DU Practice 30-45 sec
20 WB (there is a good chance you will see these on Friday)
rest as needed
Cool Down
2-3 sets
spider man crawl 50-75′
Reverse Bear Crawl 75′
Passive hang on the PU bar
5-10 HS KIck Ups (optional)


A. Accumulate 25-30 HSPU
4 sets
AB-500/350-400watts Hold as many sec as possible unitl uncomfortable
20 UB DU- add 20 reps every set 40,60,80,100
5 sets
8/12 Cal Row keep cal/hr as high as possible
10 Thruster 75/45 x 3 sets, 105/75 x 3 sets
rest 2 min

rest 6 min

5 sets
15 American KBS
7/10 Cals AB
rest 1 min