Kim “Skimmy” Thomas


Kim “Skimmy” Thomas




Let’s take it back to 2009…lost my mother to Multiple Myeloma in March and lost my father to colon cancer in May. I was completely broken hearted. My oldest sister lost approximately 25 pounds, my middle sister stayed consistent with her weight, and I gained approximately 35 pounds during the 9 months of their sickness. I had never grieved and felt hurt as I did watching my parents pass away, so I found comfort in food. To add to those bad sugar cravings, I also have polycystic ovarian disease (PCOS), so the weight just packed on really fast. It took me two years to get the mindset of wanting to be physically fit since I was on my way back to being spiritually and emotionally fit. I prayed for God to help me lose weight, and God answered my prayer with my kind of sense of humor…AMANDA TAPLEY pestering me at school pick up to please come to CrossFit DGA.
I walked into the doors of CrossFit for the very first time on November 14, 2011. Let me remind each of you, my fellow athletes working out with me had just completed the Rock in Roll Half Marathon in Savannah. I thought “what have I done?” Learning how to do a burpee, box jump, sprints, and pushing through physical pain, I knew I had finally found something to help push through emotional pain after the day one WOD. I took baby steps initially, such as only protein for breakfast, and then going completely paleo. I went from a size 10-12 to a size 2-4 in a year with less than 15 pounds lost! I finally had muscles! I have tried other avenues of fitness such as running. That cost me a lot more than monthly CrossFit dues; it cost me a pricey boot with a broken foot. I have learned so much about my body, fitness, nutrition, and being ok with avoiding the scale and being happy with muscle. I will admit, I have had some set backs with PCOS, but my current path is taking me back to those size 4 jeans and remembering STRONG IS THE NEW SKINNY!
I encourage my friends outside the box to come and see what CFDGA can do for them. Not only reaching fitness goals, but also gaining some of the most incredible friendships! Eric and Natalie, I love you both like my own family, and thank you for inspiring each of us every single day, especially with music! Jennifer Anderberg, what would I do without laughter at 0830 every morning – you complete my WOD! All of my fellow CFDGA athletes – thank you for the encouragement you give me every time I walked through those doors. My niece, Morgan, is now a CFDGA athlete, and my oldest son, Zach, is starting this summer. I get teary eyed when I think of cheering those two on! As a mother of two healthy and beautiful boys, and a wife to my handsome and selfless husband, I strive to be a good example for my family. So, I leave you with this, “God created it. Jesus died for it. The Spirit lives in it. I’d better take care of it.”


