June 25, 2015
“I struggle more frequently than I would like to admit with darkness, misery, hopelessness, and disdain for humanity. I go through these tremendous swings of happiness followed by periods of intense frustration that I’m not good enough, can’t make things happen fast enough, can’t learn enough to understand everything, and can’t help everyone who needs it. But, when I am settled and reflect, I am grateful for so many things. ” Max El Hag
The quote above is from an indirect mentor of mine. When I read this the other night, I felt like Max went inside my brain to get it. My life is interesting to say the least. I create my day to day format, no one does it for me and I am my own boss. I could very easily take golf lessons on Wednesday and Friday, which are my short days. I made those days short days at the gym so that I could work on the business. That takes a lot of discipline which is something that I am extremely thankful for. But reflecting on why is the important piece. Why do people do the things that they do? Why do we not let Brady have sugar and processed foods? Why do some people interpret double KB swing as 2 swings….when everyone should know that a double KB swing is with 2 KBS (you would only know for sure if you could read my mind). My point, we are all different and the reason that we train and participate in CF is just as unique as we are. Everyday (almost everyday) when I am done training I walk over to the fields, I stare up and talk to God about all the things that I am thankful for. Reflection can be an amazing time. It also can be very scary as well. Being alone with you own thoughts can be a dangerous thing. But if you want to move forward in life awareness is one of the greatest resources that we can utilize. Please explore YOUR web. Reflect, you will be grateful you did. Eric
A1. BB Upright Row 8-10 x 5 @ 3010 no rest
A2. RFESS 8-10 x 5 @ 3010 rest 1-2 min after BOTH legs
4 sets
2-3 Wall Walk
3 TGU Per side
12 SA KBS(Russian) / per side
1 Sled (light and fast)
A. Clean + FS + SJ x 6 rest 2-3 min
B1. TGU 4 per side x 4 no rest
B2. Pistol 6 per leg x 4 rest 1-2 min (you may add weight)
3 rounds for time
8 Squat Cleans 155/105, Masters 105/75
350m row
**No curtsy pistols. If you cannot do pistols please sub RFESS with weight