June 21st, 2017


June 21st, 2017



A1. FR BB Stepup 4 x 6 per side
A2. Death March (DB’s only) 4 x 7 per side
B1. Z Press w/ KB’s 4 x 8
B2. Pendlay or BB Row 4 x 10 (Control tempo)
rest as needed b/n efforts
4 sets
Pushup AMRAP (go to failure)


“Active Recovery”
The goal here is to limit the amount of muscle contractions. Everyone needs a break from squatting….

3-4 sets
FW 150′
2 min row @ recovery pace
T2b Hold w/ legs at the top x 4 -5 reps (control eccentric)
30 sec AB @ 80-90%
30 sec rest x 12-15 sets
2 sets
bretzel 10 breaths per side
shin box rotation 10 breaths per side