June 14th, 2017


June 14th, 2017


Hey guys, great job today! You all looked like the workout was tough. Glad to see it!

Also, we are getting some new bands in the gym tomorrow. Please note, the yellow bands maybe used for lat band walks. However, the RED AND BLACK BANDS WILL NOT BE USED for lat band walks. If you are seen using them for this purpose, you will be asked to change bands.


A1. FR BB Stepup 4 x 7 per side
A2. Death March (DB’s only) 4 x 8 per side
B1. Z Press w/ KB’s 4 x 8
B2. Pendlay or BB Row 4 x 10 (Control tempo)
rest as needed b/n efforts
4 sets
Pushup AMRAP (go to failure)


“Active Recovery”
The goal here is to limit the amount of muscle contractions. Everyone needs a break from squatting….

3-4 sets
FW 150′
2 min row @ recovery pace
T2b Hold w/ legs at the top x 4 -5 reps (control eccentric)
30 sec AB @ 80-90%
30 sec rest x 12-15 sets
2 sets
bretzel 10 breaths per side
shin box rotation 10 breaths per side