July 20 2017


July 20 2017

For the gymnastics and technique work its really important to focus on the mastery of the movement. Try not to rush through these, the more you focus on the little details the more you will get out of it. See you tomorrow DGA!!!!!

**Snatch Technique for Comp work up to 70-75% in 15 min
**Use Complexes, singles, or positional work.
A1. 5-7 pushups @ 3010 + 2-3 Wall Walk + 20 sec Hold at top on both reps x 4 sets
A2. Feet Elevated Ring Row 4 x 5-7 @ 31×3
B1. Pike Pulse (1 leg at a time) 4 x 5 per side
B2. Strict T2b 4 x 3-5 with 2-3 sec hold at the top
C1. Hollow Hold 30-45 sec x 3-4 sets
C2. Sea Lion Down and back x 3-4 sets
** We will make slight modifications based on individual needs
**For instance if WallWalks are not challening enough you may
start to try and shift your weight from side to side. So once you are in
a good posittion on the wall and “stacked” from head to toe and pushed
up in the shoudlers you may try and lift up the palm on one side and shift
your weight.
Bro/Sis session (I am all about gender equality)
10 SA DB Row per side
10 Z Press w/ DB
10/5 Strict Pullups (no bands) modify as needed
10 Pushups in rings w/ perfect form
x 3 sets (or whatever time permits for your schedule)