Jan 8th 2019


Jan 8th 2019


A1. BB BP 4 x 8 @ 2020 A2. SA KB Row 4 x 8slow and controlled A3. Powell Raise from side plank 4 x 8 per side @ 3010 + 4 sets 12 KBS Shuttle run (parking lot) Sled push + 3 sets Shoudler Health) SA Hang 10-15 sec I’s, Y’s and T’s 5 of each


A. Snatch 2-2-2 x 3 rest 10 sec rest 2 min + EMOM for 15 min 1 min-C2b PU (pick a number that you can be consistent with) **scale appropriately, NO Bands, Please SUB Strict PU and Ring Rows as needed 2 min-15 WB 3 min- AB 30-35 sec of work + Shoulder/Quad Health Band Pull Aparts KB Bottoms Up Press Foam Roll quads Half Kneeling Quad Stretch