February 28th, 2018


February 28th, 2018



“A1. Double KB OH Carry 100′ x 4
A2. Ring Row w/ feet elevated 4 x 8-10 “”slow and controlled””
A3. Sea Lion (Down and Back) 150′ total
4 sets
10 Thruster 95/65 x 2 sets, 105/75 x 2 sets
6-8 Pullup (Ring Row)
4 sets
30 DU or sled push (no singles)
10 Burpee to 6″” touch”


“The goal is to maintain same output as last week-pay close attention to the cool down
400m run @ 90%
200m recovery run
x 5
**200m run is your rest
200m run
rest 1 min x 6 sets
stretch ankles/calves 2-3 min
work on any problem areas 2-3 min
walk/easy AB 5-10 min”