December 10 2015


December 10 2015

Since this is the season of giving we are going to do something we have never done before. We are going to give away a free membership or memberships. Yes, thats right, I said it….FREE. We will give one of our current clients a free membership if you get someone to sign up in the month of December. The membership will only be given if the potential client completes the intro (in January) and 1 month (in February) of regular classes or personal training. Please let myself or one of the coaches know if you have any questions.

Have a great day DGA!!! See you tomorrow


If you do not have +2 Strict Pullups w/Pronated Grip
A1. Supine Grip Chin Over the bar hold @ 3 positions x 5 sets
A2. SA DB Bicep Curls (Seated) 12 per arm x 5 sets (minimal rest)
If you have +2 Strict Pullups w/ Pronated Grip
A1.Supinated Strict Pullups 5 x 5 (you may add weight)
A2. Barbell Tricep Extension 10 reps x 5 minimal rest
B1. DB BP 8 reps x 4 sets
B2. Side Bridge 30-45 sec per side
B3. HS Hold (30sec) Back to Wall or FLR (30-45 sec)
5 sets
16 Russian KBS
1 Suicide


A. Snatch Max rest as needed
B. Clean & Jerk Max rest as needed
For time
2k Row
reference 8/14/15

**Masters men skip A and work on mobility for the OHS