August 9th, 2017


August 9th, 2017



A. Clean 3 reps (singles) every 90 sec for 6-8 sets
**around 82-85%- We will do this session for 3 weeks and add
5-10% every week to the previous weeks total
10 min AMRAP
250m row
8 KB Push Press (KB’s in each hand)
10 KB OH Lunges in Place (alternating legs)

rest 2 min

10 min AMRAP
12 Burpee to 6″ touch
12 WB’s
**same as last week, try and beat last weeks reps
4 sleds #60 per side
Gymnastics Accessory Work
3-4 sets of complex
5 scap pullups
3 Kipping t2b
3 Strict Pullups
10-15 sec 1 arm hang both arms