April 4th, 2018


April 4th, 2018



“A1. SA KB DL 4 x 7 per side
**Elevate feet this week to create a deficit
A2. Zottman DB Curl 4 x 7 each side
B1. SA KB Push Press 4 x 7 per side
B2. Strict T2b 4 x 5-7
B3. 200m run x 4
rest as needed after B’s
3 sets
Side Plank Reach Throughs w/ DB (Reach Up then through, while maintaining side plank (8 per)
Arch Hold w/ PVC 30-45 sec
Double KB Situp x 10 (the slower the better)”


“A1. 1 Rope Climb (Start with a progression if you cannot climb the rope.) Use legs
A2. Alternating Hollow hold/Arch hold 20sec on; 10 sec off 3sets x 3 rounds *Hollow hold for 20 seconds, arch hold 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds*

5 Rounds:
20 second ring support hold (Turn rings out)
10 Cal AB
5-7 Hand release push ups
10 Cal AB

Ring Muscle Up Practice
False grip ring rows

Practice Toe Nail strict transition

Practice Gymnastic Swing *These are NOT meant to be huge swings. start small and work on staying TIGHT*”