A Message from Dr. Bass on Hydration
Healthy Tip of the Week #1
**You should be consuming ½ of your body weight in ounces of WATER
per day!!**
You know that “I can’t get up and down from my chair I am so sore” feeling? Well, studies have shown that feeling can actually be made worse if you are dehydrated. There are mild, moderate, and severe forms of dehydration, but simply being thirsty is a sign of mild dehydration!
In one particular study, participants exercised in a hot, humid environment (Dublin, GA???) and were then placed in different groups based on hydration status. One group exercised and could hydrate as needed, but the other was dehydrated throughout the workout. After the workout, perceived pain (aka Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness- DOMS) was measured. DOMS signifies muscle microdamage. This soreness was measured at 24 and 48 hours which is when it normally peaks (sound familiar?). The perceived pain was much higher in the dehydrated group signifying increased microdamage to the muscle (Cleary, Sweeney, et. al.).
In a separate review of multiple studies, it was determined that a muscle’s ability to generate force is affected by your hydration level. Dehydration has consistently shown to decrease strength by ~2%, power by ~3%, and high intensity endurance (max activities lasting longer than 30 seconds and less than 2 minutes) by ~10% (Judelson, Maresh, et. al). Sound like CrossFit to anyone??
So, based on these studies if you are not properly hydrated your muscles cannot function at their full potential and you are more likely to cause damage to them whether in the form of increased soreness, or worse, a muscle strain or tear!
Once again: You should be consuming ½ of your body weight in ounces of WATER
per day!!
Cleary, Michelle A; Sweeney, Lori A; Kendrick, Zebulon V; Sitler, Michael R.
“Dehydration and Symptoms of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness in Hyperthermic Males.” Journal of Athletic Training. 2005 Oct-Dec; 40(4): 288-297.
Judelson, Daniel A; Maresh, Carl M; Anderson, Jeffery M; Armstrong, Lawrence E; et. al. “Hydration and Muscular Performance:
Does Fluid Balance Affect Strength, Power, and High-Intensity Endurance?” Journal of Sports Medicine. 2007; 37(10): 907-921.