April 26th, 2017
Dga, welcome to the last hump day in our current facility! Remember, the gym willl be CLOSED Friday and Saturday so we may move. There are ZERO classes on these two days. We apologize, as we will miss you guys just as much over the long weekend, but we need the time to get everything moved over.
Also, we’d like to thank you in advance for being patient with us! Of course, we will try to make the transition as best we can, but naturally we will have a few growing pains along the way.
5 sets
12 American Swings
30 sec Hard AB
6 Burpee (AFAP)
rest 90-120 sec
4 sets
75′ Bear Crawl
45-60 sec Farmer Carry w/ KB’s (1 kb per hand)
5-7 HS Kick Ups
5 sets
HS Hold with weight vest 45-60 sec
HS Hold Back Facing shoulder taps 5-7 per side
**Alternate b/n exercises
rest as needed b/n sets
Accumulate 20-30 Rings Dips (No kipping)
Accumulate 40 K HSPU
**Alternate b/n exerices
7 sets
Sprint 100m
rest 60-90 sec