



A1. Dip (Wtd) 3-5 x 4 @ 31×1 rest 1-2 min
A2.(F) SA DB Row 6-8 x 4 @ 31×2 rest 20 sec b/n arms; rest 45 sec
A2.(M) Pendlay Row 3-5 x 4 @ 20×2 rest 1 min
B1. Power Clean TNG x 5 x 4 rest 20 sec
B2. 30 UB DU x 4 rest 30 sec
B3. L Sit 15 sec x 4 no rest (shoulders externally rotated)



14 min AMRAP @ 85%
300m row
3/5 C2B Pullup
7 burpee
rest 5 min
14 min AMRAP @ 85%
8 Power Clean 165/105
8 T2B
200m run with Plate 45/25

Notes- In regards to the running with the plate, this is simply a competition prep exercise. We will not be doing runs with plates on a frequent basis.