


Just a couple of things before we get started this week. Every Friday for the next three weeks we will all be doing the same workout. The OC Throwdown starts Tues Oct. 15. It is scored just like the Open. So get your quads,biceps, and glutes ready….Going to be an awesome week. DGA Everyday!!!!


A. Back Squat 6-8 x 4 @ 3011 rest 3 min

B1. RFESS 4-6 x 4 @ 3010 rest 30, rest 1 min

B2. Pullup/ P-Pullup 2-3 x 4 @ 3112 rest 1-2 min

C. DB Kneeling Torso Row 8-10 x 4@ 21×1 rest 30 after each arm


FC 150m x 4 rest as needed



A. HIgh Hang Sntach(from hip)+ Snatch + OHS x 5 rest 3 min( focus on speed under the bar)

B. Snatch Grip DL 3-5 x 4 @ 4010 rest 2 min


EMOM for 14 min

Even-7/12 C2B Pull-ups

Odd-6 Bar Over Burpee


GHD Back Extension 3 x 20 (2 pause at top, 1 sec at bottom)