October 16 2015
A. FS 5 RM “No Tempo”
B. -10% of A, AMRAP
C. Thurster- 10-10-8-8 rest 90-120 sec
D. Shuttle Sprint x 8 (down and back in parking lot) rest 30-60 sec
5 sled pushes 15-18 sec of work
**You may use DB’s for the Thrusters. It is much safer when done with DB’s. If you have a shoudler imbalance from right to left please use DB’s.
**The main reason that it is safer to use the DB’s for all movements is because it makes the user create all of the stability. When using a bar, the bar creates a most of the stability for the user.
A. Back Squat 5RM
B. Snatch Grip Deadlift 3RM
C1. Step Ups x 5 each leg x 3 sets
C2. Jumping Lunges x 10 each leg x 3 sets (no weight)
400m run
21 OHS 95/65 s65/45 m75/55
400m run
15 OHS 115/75 75/55 95/65
400m run
9 OHS 135/95 s95/65 m115/75