Oct 11th 2018


Oct 11th 2018

A quick announcement regarding morning classes today. Due to the curfew that has been imposed we will not have our 830a class. The gym will be open by 12. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please be safe and be smart.

A1. OHS 3 x 10
A2. Strict T2b 3 x 7
A3. Pushup (wtd) 3 x 10 @ 3010
**Please elevate your hands to maintain best positions possible
4 sets
10 Banded Glute Bridge
14 SL RDL’s (7 per)
10 Cossack Squat (5 per)
Core work
“Coaches Choice”

A. Push Jerk- Build to a tough 10 for the day
B1. TGU 4 x 2 per side (HAP)
B2. SA OHS 4 x 5 each side (HAP)
20 min (Non Fatiguing Effort)
DB WL 50′- 1 DB OH + 1DB FR
10 HPC and Jerk
10 Pistol (5 per)
8-10 Knee to Bar (slow and controlled)
**The goal here is to focus on movement quality/efficiency