March 27th, 2018


March 27th, 2018



“A. TGU 4 x 2 per side
B1. Russian KBS 4 x 15 rest as needed
B2. Rev Bear Crawl 50′ Fwd + 50 ‘ Rev x 4 sets rest as needed
C1. Row 20 cals AFAP x 4 sets no rest
C2. Pushups 4 x 10 @ 3010
C3. Star Plank 4 x 30-45 sec
3 sets
50’ Straight leg jumps
Hollow Hold 30-45 sec
Side Bends with weight OH (5 per side)”


**I would encourage all comp followers to accumulate some Legless RC throughout the week


3 sets

Arms OH Medball on Back Stretch 30 sec Hanging Scap Circles 8 each way
Ball OH Side Bends 8 per side

+ A1. Strict HSPU 4 x 2-5 perfect reps (no more than 1 abmat) **If you need multiple Abmats please scale the movement and use a box
A2. Arch Hold w/ PVC 30- 45 sec x 4 sets A3. Lsit to Pass Through 4 x 4-5 passes(take your time and make these as perfect as possible)

+ 4 sets
15 cal AB
10 KBS **If you find yourself waiting on the AB, Please add in a sled push