January 6 2016


January 6 2016




Core Stability/Shoulder stability


5 sets
Double KB FR Carry 75′
Double KB OH Carry 75′
Hollow Hold 30 sec
Plank R 30 sec
Plank L 30 sec
3 sets
10 Defranco Cuban Press
10 SL RDL (10 per side)
5-7 Pushup complexes @ 3010
** Complex is 1 scap pushup (protract then retract) + 1 pushup @ 3010


Open Prep/ VO2 Threshold training


A. easy warmup for 10 mins. pick a couple of weaknesses and work on them
B. 1 sled push (15 sec of work) rest 1 min x 3

10 cal row
15 russian KBS
rest 1 min x 4

rest 5 min


10 cal row
15 burpee
rest 1 min x 4

**For the comp workout it would be awesome if everyone had a HR monitor so that we could see what max HR is for these sessions. There is a good chance that some of you may not be able to turn the rower over fast enough to hit the lactic system really hard (but go hard regardless). You should all want to punch me in the face after this session…..This is CrossFit. Go get it!!!!