February 16th, 2017


February 16th, 2017


Good job making it through Hump Day guys!

Tomorrow is going to be a great day! Come in ready to work!

Here is the link if you have not signed up for The Open yet. Click here!

Remember, The Open is not just about making it to The Crossfit Games. This is a unique challenge that we hope our entire gym will participate in! If you workout on Friday’s, chances are you’re going to be doing these workouts anyway! So just sign up, get points and help your team win!



A1. RDL 4 x 7 @ 30×1 no rest
A2. Sled Push 120/180 x 4 sets
B. BB Hip Thrust 4 x 7 w/ 2 sec pause @ top rest 2 min
5 min AMRAP of Burpees-6″ touch
4 sets
4-5 Strict PU (first two reps of the set pause with chin over bar for 2 sec)
10 cals AB (Hard)
6 RFESS per leg no tempo (all sets should be heavier than last week)


A. Clean- Technique- 10 min
B. Deadlift 4 sets x 5-7 reps of each 185/125, 225/155, 255/175, 275/185 ,
rest as needed to maintain perfect form-
Practice changing weights fast- but rest as needed b/n sets
5 min AMRAP
500m row (for time)
Burpees with remaining time over the rower
rest 5-7 min
5 min AMRAP
400m run
Thrusters AMRAP with remaining time
rest 5-7 min
5 min AMRAP
500m row (for time)
80 DU
Wallball with remaining time
3-4 sets
8-10 Knees to elbows with DB B/N feet
8-10 T2b
30 Sec max DU’s