Dec 6th 2018
There is no “traditional” conditioning programmed for today. But please feel free to do some of the conditioning from another day this week or choose a day from previous weeks.
A1. Alt’ing DB BP 5 x 7 @ slow and controlled
A2. WTD (DB) Step Overs “Alt’ing” 4 x 5 per side
A3. SA Ring Row w 4 x 5-7 per side slow and controlled
B1. Sea Lion down and back x 4 sets
B2. Death March 4 x 6 per side (KB or DB)
B3. Zottman Curl 4 x 8 slow and controlled
A. 3 DL + 3 PC + 1 HC- Work to a tough complex for the day
5 sets @ NON Fatiguing Effort
25/18 Cals AB
10 BB BP
10 SA KB Row per side
rest as needed
3 sets
10 SL Glute Bridge
8 BB Hip Thrust