Fitness: 6 sets @ 80% Bear Crawl 150′ (75 Fwd+ 75 Bckwd) FW with Handle 150′ 1 Sled 90 Sec FLR/ 20-25 Sec Lsit + Kipping Practice for T2B and Pullups Competition: A. OHS 10-12 x 4 @ 31×1 rest 2-3 min + 5 sets 5-7 T2b 5 Power Snatch 200m run rest 2:30
Fitness: A1.WallWalks x 2 x 4 rest 30 sec A2. DU/Singles x 30 sec x 4 no rest + 5 rounds @ 80% 7 pushups 10 Airsquats 7 Deadlifts 135/95 Competition: 4 rounds @ 80% 250m row 4 TGU per side #53/35 + 4 sets Wtd FLR 60 sec #45/25 35 UB DU