August 31 2016


August 31 2016


“Active Recovery”
1 mile run- Recovery pace. no music. focus on breathing and striking with your forefoot
3 sets
5 PU
10 Pushups
15 AirSquats
rest 5 min
EMOM for 10 min
1 min-Row for Cals for 30 sec
2 min-Burpee for 30 sec
**Be consistent with number of reps completed each round


Assault Bike
10 min for max Cals
3 sets
Strict PU 5-6 @ 31×2
rest 1 min
Chin over the bar hold AMSAP
rest 1 min
Ring Row Support Hold (scaps completely retracted) AMSAP
for this movement do a ring row then hold the top position for as long as possible. make it tough.
rest 3 min

4 sets
Sled push (light and fast)
Hollow Hold 45-60 sec
SA FW 150’/ per side