August 20 2015


August 20 2015


1. RDL 4-5 x 5(M), x 7(F) @ 4010 no rest
A2. Reverse Bear Crawl 150′ x 5(M) x 7(F) no rest
5 sets
Sorenson Hold 30-45 sec
4-5 Strict Parallel Pullups (these will be performed on the monkey bars; you will need a box to stand on)
1 min FLR(rings) + 30-45 sec Hollow Hold



8 min AMRAP @ 80%
7 HC 135/95 **Masters 115/75
7/10 ring pushup
200m run
rest 3 min
8 min AMRAP @ 80%
200m row
8 kbs
20 DU
rest 3 min
8 min AMRAP@ 80%
4/7 strict C2b pullup
12 Wallball
10 BJSD 24/20 Masters 20″