Jan 2nd 2019
A1. BB BP 3 x 10 @ 2020
A2. SA KB Row 3 x 10 slow and controlled
A3. Powell Raise from side plank 3 x 8 per side @ 3010
+ 3-4 sets
12 KBS
Shuttle run (parking lot)
Sled push
+ 3 sets Shoudler Health)
SA Hang 10-15 sec
I’s, Y’s and T’s 5 of each
15 min Aerobic Warmup
200m run,DU,AB,Row,Ski,
mix modailities as you like
**Please remember that then movement of the week is Strict HSPU from the box 5 x 3
400m run
**Pick a weight that will allow you to do Thrusters UB
4 sets
5 Cleans @ 75% of 1RM
7 C2b PU
rest as little as possible while maintaining quality reps and sustaining output