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Here is the link for the mobility seminar!!! Please check on our home page and view the new “upcoming events” tab.




A1. Front Rack Step up 7 per leg x 4 ( 2 sec on the way down from the box) no rest
A2. Sorenson Hold 45-60 sec x 4 no rest
5 sets
350m row
12 KBS
8-10 Pushups @ 3010
rest 1 min after eact set



A. Clean + 2 FS+ 1 SJ- Work to a tough single of the complex in 4 sets(working sets) rest 3 min
EMOM for 12 min
Even-8-10 Push Press 135/95
Odd-4-8 Strict C2b Pullup
Row 250m @ 90%
rest 1 min x 7

**Please sublmit videos of lifts via youtube** [email protected]