Nov 6th 2018


Nov 6th 2018

A1. Deadlift 5 x 5 @ 5 up , 5 down
A2. DB BP 5 x 7 @ 3 up, 3 down
**use lighter weights than normal(except for Dinesh),
focus on quality
3 sets
10 KB Snatch (5 per)
10 Cal Row
3 sets
Sled push
15/10 Cals AB
2 sets
“Shoulder Health”
Wtd Arm Circles 12 sec @ 4 positions
10 External Rotation w/ plate
10 Band Pull Aparts

Gymnastics Skill Work
A1. Ring Dip + turnout 5 x 5 slow and controlled
A2. Strict T2b 5 x 5 slow and controlled
B1. Ring Pullup 5 x 3-5 sllow and controlled
B2. Strict HSPU (Banded) 5 x 5 slow and controlled
EMOM for 15 min
1 min pistol x 5-7 per side
2 min ring pushup x 5 slow and controlled
3 min 30-45 sec HS HOLD (back to wall)
Mobility/Stability Work