June 26th, 2018
“A1 Srict Pullup 4 x 5-6 @ slow and controlled
A2. FLR (Rings) 4 x 30-45 sec
A3. KB Bottoms Up Hold 4 x 30-45 sec
4 sets
Chin over bar hold 10-15 sec
AB Cals 15/10
Russian KBS x 10 + American KBS x 10
“A1. Dips 5 x 3 @ 31×1 (HAP)
A2. Elevated Feet Ring Row 5 x 7 (make as hard as possible) pause at the top
A3. PS x 5 + OHS x 5 x 5 sets
4 sets
14 Alt’ing Pistols
Practice HS Walk (Partner up)
rest as needed to do all movements with the best form possible”