May 14th, 2018


May 14th, 2018



“A1. DB BP 4 x 8 @ 32×1 no rest no rest
A2. Inverted Row (Bar) 4 x 8 @ 31×3 rest 60-90 sec
4 sets
5-7 Strict PU
50′ Wtd Lunge w/ DB’s
15 Cals AB
rest as needed
3 sets
Walk out to Pike x 7
KB Chops 7 per side”


“A. Snatch- Work to a technical 1-1-1 x 4 sets rest 15,rest 90 sec
**HTLW across all sets
B. OHS- Work to a tough 4 for the day rest 2 min
Every 4 min x 4 sets
16 DB Snatch
60-80 DU
Sprint length of parking lot
Gymnastics Core work
Mix Elements from last week”