February 21st, 2017


February 21st, 2017


Congrats on making it through Monday! We are one step closer to getting The Open under way. I hope everyone had the chance to sign up, so that you could be placed on a team! If not, please let myself (Ashley) or Amanda Tapley know ASAP!

Tomorrow will be a fun day of gymnastics, wall walks, for Fitness, and heavy lifting for Competition!


A1. CG DL (may use hook grip) 5 x 3 no rest “build”
A2. Wall Walk 2-3 x 5 sets- 20-30 sec hold on last rep- good hollow position-toes pointed
A3. SA FW-150′ per side x 5 sets
3 sets
150′ Reverse Bear Crawl
10 Yoga Pushups (you may elevate your hands)
10 BB OH Shrugs (snatch grip this week)
Cool Down and stretch -10 mins


A. Clean and Jerk 3 singles EMOM for 4 mins
B. Clean and Jerk 2 singles EMOM for 3 min
**Weights should get heavier as you progress through each EMOM
**Continuously runnning clock
15 min AMRAP
6 PC and Jerk 155/105 135/95
9 T2b
12 Box Jump 24/20
**Last tune up before Friday-Get after this
**Matthew Weigel #185
2-3 sets
8-10 Wall Slides slow and controlled
8-10 Ring Pushup w/ turnout