


I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holiday with your family. Please remember we will have 2 classes on Friday 830a and 530p. We will have regular Saturday morning class at 930a. Enjoy, have fun, and relax a little. I look forward to seeing everyone on Friday.


**Regular class times on Wednesday



A. Strict Pullup- 3 sets x 5 rest 2 min
For time
60 Calorie Row
30 Burpees over rower

**If you do not have strict pull-ups please do some ring row work as well as some eccentric pull-ups( or let downs).



A. Shoulder to OH 5 RM- no more than 5 sets
B. 1RM Wtd Pullup- rest as needed
3 rounds for time
25 KBS 70/53
25 Burpee