Before I announce the winners of the 5k I just wanted to give a shout to everyone who participated. The gym was absolutely electric for all classes. I know what mental fortitude it took to sit on the rower for +20 mins. Some of the times were very close…
1. Sanders 20:02
2. Tyree 20:20
3. Brandon C. 20:22
1. Jayne J. 21:34
2. Amanda 21:35
3. Morgan 23:13
A1. Push Press 2-3 x 4 rest 2-3 mins
A2. Pullups/P. Pullups 6-8 x 4 @ 3112 rest 2-3 mins
B1. BB Stepup 12-14 x 4 rest 30 sec; rest 1 min
B2. Wallball AMRAP x 4 rest 2 min
FC 100m x 3
Run 400m @80% x 2 rest 1:1
10 min AMRAP @ 80%
15 KBS
8 NPUBBJ (no pushup burpee box jump)
250m row
rest 4 mins
10 min AMRAP @ 80%
200m run
6 pistols
12 HR Pushups(knees and thighs off the ground)