


James F and Eric

I just wanted to introduce all of you to James Fitzgerald. I hope that all of you get an opportunity to meet James. This dude is as solid as they come. One of the main take aways that I wanted to share was that  James talked a great deal about experiencing the experience and not judging. This can apply to a training session, a race, a competition or real life. How often do all of us rush to judgement on something or someone?? Just some food for thought.  Over the past year or so I have learned just as much about life as I have fitness from James. By the way James is the 2007 CrossFit Games winner and is the owner of the OPT Training Facility in Scottsdale, Arizona. Lets make it a great week and lets be a part of the experience.


A. Back Squat 8-10 x 4 @ 3011 rest 2-3 mins


3 rounds of

10 pushups @ 3010

3 TGU per side

no rest


5 rounds

10 KBS

150m Row

rest 90 sec


A. Back Squat 10-12 x 4 @ 31×1 rest 3 mins


EMOM for 10 mins

3 Power Snatch


EMOM for 12 mins

E- 5/9 Pullups (kipping)

O- 30 DU’s

*****For males and females; Please sub burpees if you cannot do a strict pull-up with 1/3 of your BW for males or 1/5 of BW for females. This is a strict pull-up + weight


Good morning 10-12 x3 @ 3112 rest 2-3 mins