So here we are, the start of another week. I would like to share some of my thoughts from the weekend. In the past couple of weeks I have had some interesting conversations with clients and “non” clients around the subject of competition or specifically competing at the sport of CrossFit. Thursday night as I was doing some studying and reflecting, it hit me(literally in the face) I never think about failing. You see, I see each element of life, scenario, or opportunity as a time for me to learn. I don’t think that we need to discuss all of my values today but I will tell you that learning is very high on the list.
So back to failing. The fact that you are even putting forth effort is an accomplishment in and of itself. Look at todays training session as a time to learn and grow. Imagine yourself executing the movements with great efficiency and amazing awareness. I am ready to learn something at every class this week. I hold no judgement over anyone. I just want everyone to get their moneys worth from DGA. If you are competing this weekend in Albany focus on doing and not on failing. Your teammate and coach will be there to pick you up.
“I built DGA about 6 years ago(in my mind), it just took a little while longer for other people to see it.”
A. Back Squat 3-4 x 5 @ 41×1 rest 2-3 min
B1. Strict Pullup Cluster 3-3-3-3 @ 21×1 rest 1-2 min (4 sets of 3)
B2. Rope Climb 1(F); 2(M) x 4 rest as needed
6 Cleans 135/85
2/5 strict pullups
300m row
rest 2:00 x 4
Notes- Use the same reps as last week for the cluster.
Use a heavier weight or lighter band if possible.
If you are using a band be sure to do 10 ring rows for 4 sets @ 4114.
A. Front Squat 4,3,2; 4,3,2 @ 31×1 rest 2-3 min
B. RFESS 4-5 x 4 @ 3010 rest 30 sec, rest 1 min
15 min @ 85%
5 KB Snatch #53/35
8 Burpee
25 DU