A1. SA FC (1R+ 1L) x 4 – All the way down and back with one arm, then repeat with the opposite arm
A2. Palloff Press Kneeling 5 per side x 4 @ 6161- The knee that is up is closest to the rig
A3. Dish Hold 45 sec x 4
4 rounds
Bear Crawl 170′ Fwd + Bckwd
Run/Row 400m
A. Snatch + OHS technique (15-20 mins) Bar only
1000m row
5 wallwalks
10 PC 205/135
20 Burpee Over Box 24/20
10 PC 205/135
5 wallwalks
1000m row
Notes- Stay aerobic. If you do not know what that means just slow down.